Test Born 2 Ride Red Hot 2012

9 tests Born 2 Ride Red Hot.

Donnez-nous votre avis !
Note moyenne : 9,7/10
Stanislaw Kastory

Red Hot

Red Hot 2012 Born 2 Ride Red Hot
Profil du testeur : 20 ans | 1,80m | 73kg | Confirmé / expert
Taille testée : 194
Conditions du test : Durée : season 2011/2012 | Météo : sunny | Neige : all kinds of snow
These are the most amazing skis I have ever had if it comes to riding in deep snow.
They are really flexible which makes every turn a real pleasure.
They are very stable when I jump of the rocks and they feel really comfortable when I'm landing.
I also like the design of new "Red Hot" skis. They look awesome, even better then on the photo.
If you're looking for skis to ride in a really deep snow- I strongly recommend them!
Accessibilité & confort
Performance grandes courbes
Performance petites courbes
Performance trafole
Aptitudes piste
Aptitudes freestyle


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