0 test Gnu Klassy.

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Description du Gnu Klassy :
In this day and age perception is reality. Kaitlyn Farrington brings to you a tool that won't find on any of the insta filters. The Klassy brings tangible ingenuity with a directional freeride right swipe that doesn't back down from an all day adventure and is always good for a party lap with the crew. 100% Fun is Kaitlyn's mantra, and the Klassy has 100% positive results in board tests, with the awards to back it up.
(Fournie par Gnu)

Prix recommandé : 500 €
Type. Freeride Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 145 151 CM 155 Rayon de courbe. 7.9m Stance de référence. 19 mm Carre effective. 115 cm

Mixte (double cambre etc...)
Mixte (double cambre etc...)


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