Smokin Snowboards MIP

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Description du Smokin Snowboards MIP :
The Snowboard Mag Platinum Pick winning M.I.P. is back again and out for blood. the M.I.P. is exclusively available with Anti Rocker. The blunt tipped, camber free M.I.P. is the perfect tool for getting creative and taking your skills to the next level. Its flat camber makes it versatile and predictable in all conditions, while the blunt tips give you extra effective edge for added stability. This year's graphic take us back to a simpler time, when wrestling was real, cowboys were our heroes, ...
(Fournie par Smokin Snowboards)
TECHNOLOGIE : Triaxial Fiberglass with VDFLU, Magne Traction, R3, Sustainable Growth Aspen Wood Core, Sintered 6000 Base, UHMW P-Tex Sidewall, Two Stage Dampening, Skate ...

Type. Freestyle Niveau. débutant/intermédiaire
Tailles. 147. 151. 155. CM 158. Rayon de courbe. m Stance de référence. 570 mm Carre effective. 122 cm



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