Arbor Coda Camber - Premium

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Description du Arbor Coda Camber - Premium :
Les performances de la Coda en version premium. Coda Camber Premium enhances our apex freeride shape for lighter, more responsive performance. The board is an ideal upgrade on the now retired A--Frame. The inlaid top honors the connection and flags the design for serious drop--in edge control.
(Fournie par Arbor)
TECHNOLOGIE : Inlaid Power PlyThunderhead Tips2x4 14--Pack InsertsHighland CoreMixed GlassingCarbon Uprights360 RailsSintered BaseThree--Year Warranty

Prix recommandé : 749 €
Type. Freeride Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 153 156 159 CM 160mw 162 Rayon de courbe. m



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