Gnu Ladies Choice

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Description du Gnu Ladies Choice :
The Ladies Choice is a reflection of Jamie Anderson's fearlessness and dedication. She continues to show the world that she is the best, while riding the best. Unreal snowboarding is achievable for everyone on this award winning, asymmetric, intuitive, harmonious board. This board has climbed every podium with Jamie, and it's earned countless awards for it's performance and ease of riding in consumer board tests. Effortless progression with unreal artwork by Sarah King.
(Fournie par Gnu)

Prix recommandé : 570 €
Type. All Mountain Freestyle Niveau. avancé
Tailles. 139. 142. 148. 151. 153. Rayon de courbe. 8.2-7.9m Stance de référence. 18 mm Carre effective. 111 cm

Mixte (double cambre etc...)
Mixte (double cambre etc...)


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